Line installation
A new line installation is required if your existing property or the property you are moving to does not have a BT socket or was not served by a BT line in the past. Moving from a cable to a non-cable line (BT line) will also classify as a new line installation. Madasafish can provide you with a new line and number at a cost of £105. Sometimes new properties do have a BT socket but this will still be considered as a new line installation. An engineer visit is usually required for a new line installation and we can schedule this on your behalf.
If your property was previously served by a working BT line, then we can reconnect you for free. However, if there is a problem detected in your line at the time of activation then you may need to pay, as it would be considered as a new line installation.
Taking your number with you
If you are moving to an address which falls within your current exchange area then you have the option to retain your old number. We can transfer this number for free if your new address was served by a working BT line in the past. You can put in a request to retain your number even if your new address was previously not served by a BT line. This will be considered a new line installation. Once your new line is installed we can transfer your old number for free.
You do not have the option to retain your old number if your new address falls under a different exchange. If your new address previously had a working BT line; we can reconnect this and issue you with a new telephone number for free. In the case of a new line installation you will be charged £105 and we will be able to issue a new telephone number for you.
Should you wish to have a new line installed or would like to know more about taking Madasafish Talk to your new address, please contact our Customer Care Team on 0844 395 0830 between 9am and 6pm daily, excluding Bank Holidays (Calls are charged at 4p per minute at all times, excludes mobile).
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