House Move Guide
1. Moving phone & broadband
Note: This applies to customers who subscribe to both our telephone and broadband services. See moving broadband only if your phone line is with another provider.
When you're ready to arrange your move, call us on 0844 395 0830.
We need to know when you want your line to be ready and if you want to be listed in the phone book. Also we'll need your new address, contact details and information about your new property.
In most cases we'll need a week to get your phone and broadband up and running. It can take a bit longer if we need to book an engineer.
Engineers are needed if:
- You're moving to an address where the phone is hard-wired and new sockets are required
- You're moving to an address with no existing telephone wiring
2. Moving broadband only
How the process works and how long things take depends on your moving circumstances.
Before you ask us to move your broadband, you'll need to order a telephone line at your new property. With a standard order we'll be able to switch your broadband on about a week after your phone line is up and running. If you ask your provider for a simultaneous order then we'll be able to get your broadband working on the same day that your phone line is installed.
Important: We need at least a weeks notice to move your broadband (the more the better) otherwise there might be a delay in getting your broadband up and running.
Standard orders
First, contact your telephone provider and arrange to have your telephone service moved.
When you've placed the order, call us on 0844 395 0830 to arrange your broadband move.
If you're getting a new number, then your broadband should be up and running a week after your phone line is switched on.
If you're taking your number with you then your broadband will be up and running about a week after the service has been cut off at your old property. This is because we can't place two orders on a number at the same time. We have to wait for the cancellation order to complete before we can order a new service on that number.
Click the Confirm button when you're done and we'll handle things from there.
Simultaneous orders
Contact your telephone provider, the first thing you should ask is to place a simultaneous order for the provision of a phone line with broadband. It's important to ask this first as changing an order type later on can cause problems.
You'll be asked for the name of your ISP (that's us!) and other details about your order. You'll be given an order reference code that looks like this: ABC123AB or this: ABC12345678.
When you've placed the order, call us on 0844 395 0830. We'll need to know the following information:
- Your order reference code
- Your new address
- The date you're moving (we need at least 5 working days notice to place a sim order)
- Your new number (if you know it)
- How you'd like to pay for your broadband move (if applicable see question 3)
3. How much does it cost to move?
It's free to move your broadband to a new property1.
Home Phone
If there's already a line installed at your new property then it's free to move unless we need to change your number, in which case it'll cost £36.63 (inc VAT).
If we need to install a new line, it'll cost £105 to move your telephone service.
1. One free broadband move per 12 month period. Subsequent moves within this time may cost £65. Please call us on 0844 395 0830 if you need more details.
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