Dial-up usage - Pay As You Go
Your Pay As You Go Internet dial up access is billed through your telephone carrier for the calls made to our 0844 number. You are only billed for the time that you use.
The BT charge for these calls are 3p a minute during weekdays and 1p a minute in the evenings and weekends to connect to our 0844 dialup number. Charges may vary by phone company. As part of using our Pay As You Go Internet package, you must ensure that you connect to our dialup number at least once every 35 days in order to keep your account active.
We recommend that if you're using the Pay As You Go service for greater than a few hours every week that you consider upgrading to broadband. Broadband is more enjoyable to use, it's fast and doesn't tie up your phone for incoming calls. In some instances if Pay As You go is being used a lot broadband is the less expensive solution.
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