Broadband incompatible products
There are a few products that you can rent from BT, that are incompatible with broadband. This could mean a delay in the provision of the broadband service. The following services are not compatible with broadband and may be why we can not proceed with your broadband order:
- Broadband with a different service provider
- PBX and AUX lines
- Subscriber private metering
- 30k Loop
- Private Circuits
- Red ABC
- Red Care
- FeatureNet services (FeatureLine)
- Meterpulse facility
- Multiple Subscriber Numbers
If you already have broadband on your line and you wish to switch to us you can:
1.) Call your current provider and request a MAC (Migration Authorisation Code), this will enable us to smoothly switch your broadband services to us. As of 14/02/2007 OFCOM has ruled that all ISPs must provide a MAC within 5 working days of a request being submitted. We strongly recommend that you switch providers using a MAC where possible.
2.) Call your current provider and cancel your broadband service. If you have already cancelled with your old ISP, please call BT on 150 and firmly request that they contact BT Wholesale on your behalf to update account records to reflect that broadband has been removed from your line.
If you have another type of incompatible service, you have three options:
1. Call BT on 150 and request the incompatible service be discontinued.
2. Keep the service on this line and arrange to have a second line installed for your broadband service.
3. Cancel your broadband order and use a dial up service to connect to the Internet.
If you had one of these incompatible services and have already cancelled it, please call BT on 150 and ask them to remove the service listing from your account records. The provisioning of broadband on a phone line that previously subscribed to one of the above services is dependent upon BT keeping their records up to date.
We do take payment for your first month's service with us when you sign up, however your billing period doesn't commence until your service has gone live. Thus if there is a delay in provisioning your broadband you will not be charged for the time that your service with us wasn't live.
Please note that we cannot provide any guarantees as to how long it will take to get your broadband service up and running, but we will continue to re-submit your order regularly to BT and notify you when your order has been accepted.
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