Migrating a broadband service to Madasafish
If you've already got broadband with another ISP, you can benefit from our low monthly cost when you switch your service to Madasafish Broadband via a process called 'migration'. Migration is the easy way to change broadband providers and allows for your service to be switched to a new provider seamlessly. In order to migrate your existing broadband service to Madasafish you will need a MAC (Migration Authorisation Code).
To migrate to Madasafish, please follow these simple steps:
- Request a MAC from your current provider. It's important that you don't tell them to cancel the service immediately. Most providers will automatically cancel your service once the migration to your new ISP is completed. Please check with the ISP you are leaving to ensure that this is their practice. MACs must be used within 30 days of being issued.
- Sign up for Madasafish Broadband. When you do, our systems will automatically detect that you already have broadband installed on your line and prompt you for the MAC. Please enter it and complete your order. Don't worry if you don't have a MAC at that time, you are able to proceed with your order and email it to us later.
- You'll get an email from us confirming your order. It will take us approximately 7 days to switch your broadband service over to Madasafish. You will still have broadband through the provider that you are leaving until we switch you over to our network.
Unfortunately, some broadband providers do not participate in the migration scheme. Due to the nature of their services, cable broadband providers, such as ntl or telewest, are unable to participate in the migration scheme. Additionally, some providers who use a BT line to bring broadband to your house have elected to not participate in the Migration Code of Practice. If you're with a provider who cannot or will not supply you with a MAC, please contact us and we can discuss the best way of switching providers.
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