FTP general settings
Regardless of which program you use to upload files to your free webspace, you will typically require the following information:
- Your username - this is the same as the username you use to sign in to My Account.
- Your password - again the same one you use to sign in to My Account.
- The FTP host name or address - this is www.users.madasafish.com
Note that if you have a firewall, you may need to set your FTP program to use passive mode (or PASV mode). This is true if you are able to login to the server but unable to see a list of the files or upload anything.
The first page of your website should be named index.htm making sure all letters are lowercase. Whilst other pages can have capital letters, the server is case-sensitive so it is best to keep everything lowercase to avoid potential broken links.
Madasafish provides you with 100MB of free webspace. Note that to prevent degradation of the service you cannot upload more than 8,000 files. You can check how much space and how many files you are using if your FTP program displays a log of FTP commands as part of its interface. Look for a panel with lines of text such as COMMAND:> LIST or COMMAND:> PWD. Just after logging in you should see a line similar to 226-Transfer complete. followed by 226 Quotas on: Kb: 0.00/102400.00 files: 0/8000. If you are unable to see this and would like to know how much space you are using, please call Technical Support who will be able to find this information for you.
Finally, to view your website enter http://www.users.madasafish.com/~username/ in your web browser.
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