Windows Vista control panel and start menu
To open Control Panel, click Start and then click Control Panel.
Control Panel is full of specialised tools that are used to change the way Windows looks and behaves.
Some of these tools help you adjust settings that make your computer more fun to use. For example, use Mouse to replace standard mouse pointers with animated icons that move on your screen, or use Sounds and Audio Devices to replace standard system sounds with sounds you choose. Other tools help you set up Windows so that your computer is easier to use. For example, if you are left-handed, you can use Mouse to switch the mouse buttons so that the button on the right performs the primary functions of selecting and dragging.
If you need to set up an Internet connection, the control panel is where you can do this.
You can change the view of the Control Panel by clicking Classic View on the left hand side. This option may be easier to use as it is slightly similar to the early versions of the Windows operating system.
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