Reactivation of your Pay As You Go account
If you have not dialled in to our service for a period of more than 35 days your email will go dormant.
To start receiving your Madasafish emails, you will either need to start dialling in to our service, or signup to a subscription package with us.
Please sign in to My Account on the Madasafish homepage and if you wish to continue as a Pay As You Go customer and start dialling-in to our service, then tick the box provided and click Reactivate my account. You will then need to dial in to our service regularly and you will be able to collect your emails when connected to us.
Alternatively, you can choose one of our subscription packages; Broadband, Anytime or Justmail. You're able to upgrade your services in My Account. All of our subscription packages allow you to access your emails from where ever you are in the world using an Internet connection. These packages do not require you to dial in once in 35 days.
We are still collecting emails addressed to your Madasafish email address for 65 days following when your account lapsed. You will be able to retrieve these as soon as you have chosen one of the options offered above.
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